This month OHSU celebrated a major milestone in our partnership to end cancer. Since 2020 the Kuni Foundation has supported OHSU cancer researchers through $20 million in philanthropic funding through 34 grants across 18 departments in addition to two endowed chairs established in its lung and prostate cancer departments.
We’re honored to support the diverse and transformative work of OHSU researchers. Kuni Foundation cancer research grants support advanced research for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, with particular emphasis on clinical applications of promising drug and technological advances. We also invest in emerging research or new approaches that demonstrate potential for the diagnosis or treatment of cancer.
OHSU celebrated the support through an AM Northwest segment featuring researchers Dr. Amy Moran and Dr. Wesley Yu, and Kuni Foundation President Angela Hult. As part of the celebration, a short commercial also aired during the 2025 Oscars that you can watch here, and below is an infographic published recently in the Portland Business Journal. Thank you to our friends at OHSU!
OHSU Kuni $20 million milestone PBJ infographic